Donate Now

Thank you for supporting RainShadow Chorale! 

Your tax-deductible contributions are very much appreciated, and allow us to plan for future concerts and adequately compensate our talented artistic leadership.

To make a donation:

  1. Click on the “Donate with PayPal” button on the right, and fill in the amount and credit card or debit card information.

2. If you have a PayPal account, you can use that to specify a recurring monthly donation.

3. If you’d like to write a check, you can mail it to the address below. Please make sure your check shows your current address so we can send you a tax receipt.

If you have any questions about making a donation, please contact Bev Schaaf, administrative manager at

RainShadow Chorale is a non-profit tax-exempt 501(c)(3) organization. Our tax ID is 03-0375784. Your contribution is fully tax deductible.

RainShadow Chorale
PO Box 1806
Port Townsend, WA 98368